Kana Kamitsubo- Markovic
Kana Kamitsubo-Markovic
Pianist, Composer, Board-certified Music Therapist
Born and raised in Kobe, Japan. Kana began her classical music training at the age of 3. She has graduated from Osaka Music College. She also studied jazz piano at Koyo Conservatory of Music which led her to move to the state. In 2008, Kana graduated Summa Cum Laude from Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA where she studied music therapy and jazz piano. As a solo pianist, she performs her original compositions as well as improvisational music. Kana is also a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC) who has worked with children with special needs. She developed her original method, Musicreative™, which has received extremely positive feedback from the experts in the filed of Music Therapy and Music Education. Kana also served as a course author of Clinical Improvisation class, one of the Master’s degree curriculums at Berklee’s College of Music. In 2014, together with Sasha, she founded a music school, Hug Music, in New York and works as a director and music therapist. Kana strongly believes that the power of music and its effect on people’s lives. This belief is the foundation of all of her work and her performance as Yagull. Yagull performed to sold out audiences in Japan, Europe and New York including the concert at National Museum of Serbia which was featured in the Serbia’s national Broadcast CRS.
Furthermore, Yagull was invited to perform as special musical guests in the United Nations events including People’s Forum, United Nation's 75th Anniversary event in May 2020 and Global Governance Forum in September 2020.
ピアニスト、作曲家、ミュージックセラピスト(MT-BC, 全米認定音楽療法士)
神戸出身。3歳よりピアノを始める。大阪音大短期大学部器楽科卒。甲陽音楽学院でジャズピアノを学んだあと、奨学金を受けて渡米。米国ボストンのバークリー音学院、音楽療法学科を首席で卒業。2008年NYへ移り、ピアニストとして楽曲提供や即興演奏を含めた演奏活動を行っている。2010年、Mitch Coodleyプロデュースでソロピアノアルバム「Poignant Piano」をリリース。また、全米認定音楽療法士(MT-BC)でもあり、音楽療法士として主にスペシャルニーズの子供たちを対象に活動。音楽療法と音楽教育を融合させた独自のメソッド “Musicreative™”を作り、アメリカの音楽療法と音楽教育の分野で高評価を得る。また、バークリー音楽院の音楽療法修士号課程のカリキュラム作成・監修も担う。これらすべての活動が認められ、2012年、米国で「卓越した能力者」と認められた者のみに与えられるアーティストグリーンカード(米国永住権)を取得。2014年、NYに音楽学校Hug Musicを創立し、校長を務めている。「音楽が人々に生きる喜びをもたらし自己実現を促す」という考えは、可奈のピアニストやセラピストとしての活動の基盤となる信念であり、Yagullの活動で伝えたいことでもある。
Yagullとしては、東京、神戸、ニューヨーク、セルビアでコンサートを行う。セルビアの国立博物美術館でのコンサートは、セルビアの国営放送CRSでも取り上げられる。さらには、2020年に国連75周年式典のゲストとして国連議長挨拶の後に演奏を披露。そこで評価を得て、同年9月にも国連主催のGlobal Governance Forumでゲストとして演奏を披露する。
2022年より、デジタルとアコースティックを掛け合わせたプロジェクトa.unのリーダーとして活動の幅を広げる。2024年よりKana Markovicとしてピアノソロアルバムをリリース。
Sasha Markovic
Guitarist, Composer, Producer
Born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavia), Sasha Markovic is a self-taught musician who has been playing the guitar since the age of 13. He graduated from Belgrade University majored in Anthropology. He took on a unique approach of learning guitar by trying to replicate the sounds from the vast variety of records he passionately collected and listened to, ranging from 70s rock, blues, jazz, to world music. This helped him quickly develop his musical ears, and inspire him to compose music from the age of 15. He is a founder of Yagull. With his passion and love for music and his life mission to inspire children and adults with music, Sasha co-found Hug Music with Kana. He composes for film, theater and television.
セルビア共和国(旧ユーゴスラビア)首都ベオグラード出身。13歳より独学でギターと作曲を学ぶ。国立ベオグラード大学人類学科卒業。彼独自のやり方でロック、ジャズ、ブルースなど様々なジャンルの音楽を聞いて研究しながら独学でギター奏法、作曲、アレンジ、プロデュースの仕方を学ぶ。当時内戦状態にあったセルビア(旧ユーゴスラビア)では音楽活動が制限される中、自由に音楽活動を行うため25歳の時にNYCに移ることを決意。2003年よりNYを拠点に音楽活動開始、その後ギタリスト、作曲家、プロデューサーとして活躍する。2012年にYagullというプロジェクトを立ち上げ、自身初のアルバム「Films」をリリース。「Films」はMoonJuneRecordsより発売され、好評価を得る。その直後に人生のパートナーになる可奈と出会い、Yagullの名の元で二人で活動開始。2014年発売のアルバム「KAI」をリリース。世界中から高評価を得る。また同年、音楽をする楽しさや喜びをより多くの子供や大人に伝えたいという願いから、可奈とHug Musicを共同創立し、ディレクター、ギター&作曲講師を務める。サシャの音楽に対する深い愛はハグミュージックでの活動にもYagullでの音楽活動にも顕著に現れている。ギターソロ作品 “River Was”(2017)リリース。
About Yagull
Yagull is a New York City based piano& guitar duet featuring a pair of composers, Sasha Markovic, guitarist & pianist extraordinaire, Kana Kamitsubo. Coming from different musical backgrounds, yet with the same organic approach to music, the duo creates a unique melodic cinematic music blend. Kana comes from classical and jazz, while Sasha is heavily influenced by many variations of 70s rock, blues, and world music. Their music received hundreds of reviews from around the globe from music publications specializing in wide spectrum of genres, from jazz, classical to rock, prog, and even metal (Time Out New York, All About Jazz, Classical Music). A journalist once labeled the music of Yagull saying, “Post-rock chamber music, probably inspired by duo's unique acoustic renditions of 70s rock classics by Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Cream, Free”.
A legendary “Echoes” radio did a comprehensive feature on Yagull, sharing their story and musical roots. Yagull was also featured in Echoes’ famous Living Room Concert Series (NPR). Kana and Sasha compose for film and television and together created an extensive catalog of organic, acoustic, cinematic works.
Yagull performed to sold out audiences in Japan, Europe and New York including the concert at National Museum of Serbia which was featured in the Serbia’s national Broadcast CRS.
Furthermore, Yagull was invited to perform as special musical guests in the United Nations events including People’s Forum, United Nation's 75th Anniversary event in May 2020 and Global Governance Forum in September 2020.
Our Story
Yagull was first created by Sasha when he released his first album, Films, in 2012. In the same year, Sasha met Kana and soon, they felt connected musically and personally. They started to perform together as Yagull. In 2013, they got married and also recorded an album later named Kai which was named after their son. The year of 2014 was quite busy for them yet full of new beginnings; their son was born, “Kai” album was released, and they opened a music school, Hug Music, in New York with a hope to provide a place where individuals can feel inspired to explore and express themselves through music. At Hug Music, Kana and Sasha work with students of any ages from 6 months old to adulthood including individuals with special needs. Kana and Sasha both believe in the power of music; they know that music can help people find joy, peace, and love. Their mission is to convey this message and let people experience the power through their life-long projects.